One of my friend was asking me about torrent and how can we download files using Bit Torrent. Actually its very very easy once you know how to do it. but as a beginner you may face some problems.
Bit Torrent is a peer to peer file sharing protocol which is very efficient way to transfer large amount of data over the internet. This protocol was developed by Programmer Bram Cohen in 2001.
To Download Files using this Protocol you first need a Bit Torrent Client. Bit torrent Client is a program which allows you to manage Upload and Download files under the Bit Torrent Protocol. The Most Popular one is Bit Torrent itself.
µTorrent is another popular bit torrent client. There are many other Bit Torrent Clients. I have been using µTorrent.

First of all you need to have one of these Client Software on your Computer.
You can download uTorrent from Site Below.
Install The Downloaded File.

Then go to one of the sites and download .torrent file.
Run this file. Any BitTorrent client is capable of running .torrent file.
There it shows you the dialog box with list of files on that torrent file. Start Download by selecting or deselecting required file.
Its always wise to choose a torrent file with More number of Seeds. If there is no Seeds for the particular file then the downloading halts. Seeds simply means the users on the swarm who are uploading the file and leaches are users who are downloading. Peers are the computers on the swarm who is uploading as well as downloading. Once peers have downloaded completely, it automatically starts seeding and becomes seed. And I think to keep this peer to peer Sharing alive we must seed at least for sometime even if we cant keep seeding. In p2p sharing each computer on the swarm is both client and server.
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